
Astronomy related pages of MC-link

Esplore the sky with us

Seleziona qui se vuoi leggere la versione completa in italiano

This is a light international version

Only here you can find
Astro Gallery
The Nine Planets Mirror
The UAI web pages
All for the amateur astronomer

How? Where? When?
Most famous sites on Internet
Italian observatories
Italian amateur astronomy clubs and associations
Studying astronomy in Italy

Notes on the realization
The authors
Last modified

Number of access to this page from 10 August 1995: 122,212.

NOTE: This is Astro-link that is different and separate from Prairienet User Pages -- The Astrolink to the Astroprairie Home Page.
(C) Copyright. 1995 - technimedia - Via Carlo Perrier, 9 - 00157 Roma - tel. +39 6 418921 - fax +39 6 41732169 - È vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale senza il consenso scritto dell'editore - Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited